John Carter: A Project Reborn

Yesterday, the trailer for a Disney/Pixar film called John Carter, set to hit box offices 3/9/2012, was released. This will be Pixar’s very first live-action film, as it is directed by Andrew Stanton (Dir. WALL-E and Finding Nemo), and is based on the book Princess of Mars (1917) by John Carter. According to, this is not the first time Disney has tried to make this movie. In fact, in the 80s, Disney wanted to make this movie his answer to Star Wars, and even hired John McTiernan (director) and Tom Cruise (actor) for the project. However, due to some technological and ownership issues, the project was dropped for a later date. And, here it is! Looks pretty epic, to me.

John Carter Website:

John Carter Twitter: @JohnCarter

About amandajcorreia

I am a Marketing Communications student who ready to share and explore the world of social media! I am very passionate about blogging and "staying connected", and would like to meet other like-minded eAficionados.
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